Saturday, April 27, 2019

Trending Now: Joe Biden was in charge of the Anita Hill hearing. Even he says it wasn't fair.

Biden's handling of Hill's allegations against Clarence Thomas and the hearings they incited in 1991 remains one of the most revealing and controversial episodes of his career. In an era when bipartisan support for Supreme Court nominees was more common, the senator from Delaware wanted to run a process that was seen as fair by both sides. But for decades, Democrats have been angered by Hill's treatment by the GOP and conflicted about Biden's performance as chairman. Interviews and a review of the written record reinforce that Biden failed to use the powers afforded to Senate committee chairmen to conduct a judicious and thorough inquiry into Hill's allegations. He did not give full consideration to witnesses whose allegations seemed to corroborate her testimony or curb the attacks and innuendo leveled at her during the hearing. A former Biden lawyer told The Washington Post this month that the Democrats were outmaneuvered by Republicans whose purpose was to damage Hill.
Democracy Dies in Darkness
Trending Now Apr 26, 1:22 PM
Joe Biden was in charge of the Anita Hill hearing. Even he says it wasn't fair.

Biden's handling of Hill's allegations against Clarence Thomas and the hearings they incited in 1991 remains one of the most revealing and controversial episodes of his career. In an era when bipartisan support for Supreme Court nominees was more common, the senator from Delaware wanted to run a process that was seen as fair by both sides. But for decades, Democrats have been angered by Hill's treatment by the GOP and conflicted about Biden's performance as chairman.

Interviews and a review of the written record reinforce that Biden failed to use the powers afforded to Senate committee chairmen to conduct a judicious and thorough inquiry into Hill's allegations. He did not give full consideration to witnesses whose allegations seemed to corroborate her testimony or curb the attacks and innuendo leveled at her during the hearing. A former Biden lawyer told The Washington Post this month that the Democrats were outmaneuvered by Republicans whose purpose was to damage Hill.

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