Saturday, April 27, 2019

Grade Point: Sen. Elizabeth Warren introduces $1.2 trillion plan to tackle student debt

Grade Point
A higher education news blog
Sen. Elizabeth Warren introduces $1.2 trillion plan to tackle student debt
The Democratic presidential candidate released a bold plan to cancel student debt for many American households and eliminate tuition.
Yale students aren't ready to close the book on the school's libraries just yet
Throughout the country, librarians are grappling with how to preserve book culture while ensuring that knowledge — whether in print or digital form — is widely accessible.
Some colleges receiving the most GI benefits spend the least on educating veterans, report says
Veterans Education Success, an advocacy group, found seven of the 10 colleges that receive the most in tuition benefits for veterans spend less than one third of that money on instruction and graduate barely one quarter of students.
A Yale Law School policy was meant to protect LGBTQ students. Other saw anti-Christian bias. Controversy ensued.
A Yale Law School policy has sparked a heated controversy, with some condemning the rule as discriminating against Christian groups while others praise it for protecting gay and transgender students.
Congress should move to protect vulnerable college students from shoddy offerings
Lawmakers are discussing innovative ideas to make college more affordable and accessible. But without new measures to protect consumers and hold schools accountable, America's most vulnerable students will remain at risk.
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