Thursday, February 15, 2018

Photo Graphy Tips Mo

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Photo Graphy Tips

If you are just starting out in photography and you don't know where to begin, or perhaps you have been taking pictures with your camera for a while and want to improve your shooting skills, you’ve come to the right place. The material compiled in this article will not only help you in building up your photography knowledge, but also assist in advancing you to the next level. 

f you want to take pictures that have a “wow” factor built in them, the Rule of Thirds is the composition secret you need to take advantage of!
To use the rule of thirds, imagine four lines, two lying horizontally across the image and two vertical creating nine even squares. Some images will look best with the focal point in the center square, but placing the subject off center at one of the intersecting points of the imaginary lines, will often create a more aesthetically composed photograph.
When a photograph is composed using the rule of thirds the eyes will wander the frame. A picture composed by the rule of thirds is usually more interesting and pleasing to the eye.

Camera shake can render a photo unusable. Increasing your ISO and opening up your aperture allows for quicker shutter speeds, reducing the chance of blurry images. However, this is not always an option if you’re trying to maintain other specific qualities of your image.
Start by doing what you can to reduce camera movement, which begins with learning how to properly hold a camera.

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